
Saturday, June 15, 2013

For love is a universal language

For some people, Love is eternity, 
For some people, Love is joy, 
For some people, Love is sacrifices, 
For some people…
To love, 
There’s no end, 
for Love is to be immortal, evergreen.
Love who we are, 
Love for others, 
Love Mother Nature, 
Love GOD, 
as we, were sent by him with heavenly Love.
Broken hearts healed by Love; 
Anger soothed by Love; 
Tears swept away by Love…
Make Love a Universal Language, 
For compassion, peace and harmony
to rise like the shimmering morning sunshine
from every horizon of the soul and mind.
Love is all…
and it lies within the deep heart’s core
of you, and me… 

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