
Monday, June 10, 2013

Rule .. o

are very 
proud of our 
reason and logic 
but the crux of the
matter is that in fact
there are no such things! 
Wisdom is our capital but
it can not run the business
of the baffling life, ever fast 
changing historical knowledge
is our power but can not drive the
vehicle unknown which moving fast, 
randomly, there is no static truth or the
truth straight but the biggest truth is that 
there is no such truth, random changing
is the only rule but more puzzling are
the things when plays havoc the
anti-rules, riddle multiplies
in more complex riddles, 
system breaks down
into miracles and 
crushing your 
vanity of
super intellect, no options are left to you
rather than to bow and awe! The more you
go deep the more you find deeper darkness
bewilderment is the only super king in the
kingdom of perplexity but the happy thing is
that contradiction of life is in full agreement
to disagree amicably till man gets any clue, I 
hope we can, no matter whether it's me or you

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