
Sunday, June 09, 2013

Shadow on the wall

Sometimes I wonder
How can I dance
Though I don’t know the art
I wonder, 
How can I love all
Though I have only a single heart
Sometimes I wonder
How can I fly through a window
A window very small
No, it’s not me but my shadow
It’s my shadow on the wall
Sometimes I wonder 
Why I am still a child
Though I have grown up a lot
I wonder, 
Why I am so large in dark 
And in light I am just a dot
Sometimes I wonder
How can I grow so fast
And I grow really tall
No, it’s not me but my shadow
It’s my shadow on the wall
Sometimes I wonder
How can I feel so free
In this disciplined universe 
I wonder
How can I be so polite
Even when world become harsh
Sometimes I wonder
How I do everything
Though I can do nothing at all 
No, it’s not me but my shadow
It’s my shadow on the wall 

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