
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Silent love

bend me, break me, 
How far will you take me, How far will i take you
Until we are recreated, Into something new
Will I like what I see, Will you like what you see,
Like what you have done to me, 
I give you the ship at sea, So watch over me, 
When I go astray lead me back to you, 
When I am cold and lonely, 
Let your body so warm just .. hold me, 
One day i'll travel across the countries just so they can see, 
All that you have made and believed in me. 
All the creasing and folding along the way, 
Only made me who I am today. 
No matter what the pain, No matter if its rain
I'll never wash away the stain .. you left .. on my heart, 
This beautiful mind will create new land, 
from the gravel beneath our feet, 
a life of passion so discreet, 
two hearts kindly will meet. 
in the dead of night, be sure.. i have no doubt 
where only the moon bares witness, 
snow white so pure, 
silent love .... is the cure.

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