
Saturday, June 08, 2013

The greed of the world

The greed of the world upon humanity seen, near and far.. financial institutions fallen .. Corporations shaken. 
Greed taken hold of human souls
Greed, too much for a few, The middle falling out, The bottom melting to sunder 
Greed, taking a hold of humanity
Boldly, greater and greater, The system is waning
Greed, in nations of the world
People with much, look away, 
People with the least nourishment
Paying more and more
Will someone help to arrest .. The cause of greed? 
Will the greedy give something back? 
Raise your voices not only to joyful encounters, stand up .. Be counted with those who painfully goes to bed, hungry, Wake up in despair,Lend a hand, you who have much, Help to eradicate greed! 
One world humanity lives, Your time to help is now! 

I completely agree with the greatest Gandhi when he said that " the world has enough resources to everyone's need but not for everyone's greed"
but let me tell you what Nbms said ...
"To be satisfied with a little, is the greatest wisdom; and he who increases his riches ... increases his cares"
Please awake up.. and ask yourself ..
Are you folks to that cares ..!!

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