
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I wonder if we were ever meant to fly.

Sometimes the whole world spins out of control, While 
sometimes everything seems to makes sense. But sense is just man’s perception of sanity.
Sometimes life’s simplicity are deceivingly so. 
Sometimes complication fades away into the night, A time of solitude and unawareness. 
Sometimes the night’s a place of all-knowing, The answer to Nbms’s knot.
Sometimes we can’t save ourselves, 
Sometimes we need a golden angle... An angel to fly down from the heavens and cast a shadow of forgiveness.
Sometimes angels don't have time to save humanity, 
Sometimes humanity can’t be saved.
Sometimes pain doesn't lead to perfection just more pain.
Sometimes practice doesn't make perfection just mediocrity.
Sometimes what we want more then anything is the one thing we can’t have.
Sometimes the slightest ray of hope becomes a moment of certainty.
Sometimes we wake up and realize that it’s all a dream, The prospect of impossibility rears once more.
Sometimes we realize we were never asleep.
Sometimes the possibility of salvation is enough to make those most sane to ask questions, Questions of conditional importance
Sometimes time stops .. Stops without a whisper, Without warning or heed.
Sometimes we aren't ready for reality to reset.
Sometimes dreams are just dreams .. But sometimes they are gateways .. Gateways to our desires .. Desires hidden beneath denial and sanity.
Sometimes it would be easier to lose sanity, Lose it on an unlit trail. A trail that the lucky few venture, And none speak of.
Sometimes false annulments keep us from speaking our thoughts, Keep us from telling are deepest desires.
Sometimes only the earth listens when the sky is the only one you want.
Is it ... sometimes better to settle for second ? 
When first place prize is more then a medallion, More then oxidized metal.
Sometimes first is life.
Sometimes second is regret, 
Regret for not telling the sky your thoughts, 
Regret of staying earthbound.
Sometimes the sky is more then clouds and sometimes those clouds make faces, The faces of our dreams.
Sometimes a face is all it takes to stop the world from spinning.
Sometimes a face is all it takes To keep us all on the ground.
Sometimes I wonder if we were ever meant to fly. 

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