
Monday, July 29, 2013

My ignorance

When wisdom is lost what do we use to find it? 
If the head is cut why should the cap become prominent? 
Where the wall is broken, who clamors for keys? 
When the man is burnt who still looks for beard? 
'Tis only a fool that looks for the mark of cut in water
He only can look for the tracks of flight of birds
Or better still want to know what the corpses eat in the grave.
When wisdom is lost, the elders dance naked in the markets
Passing calabashes of palm wine in merriment.
Sleeping while riding their bicycles.
Where wisdom is lost the cobra looks like a rope
Yes an ill wind that blows no one good
Oh why should the footless die fighting for shoes? 
Or the toothless die for bones? 
I am confused. Yes logically paralyzed.
On the wheel chair of wisdom, I see
Where the elders defecate in the open
On paths where their off springs tread, 
And in market squares where it must be
That in four days they must be back
When the offenses of odor its peak just reached
That means logic stand on its head
Wisdom lost its path
Then in the town of the blinds, 
Where a one eyed man is found, 
Who shall be the king? 
Let the young flies be warned, 
The animal that is slow lives longest in the forest.
But it needs little wisdom to know, 
That is the fly that is ill advised
That enters the grave with the corpse.
When you prove me wrong, 
My apologies I will tender; 
And my ignorance I must admit.
Before warned, I was told, is before armed. 

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