
Monday, July 15, 2013

One More Time

How can we change ourselves from one night, When so many have come and gone? 
How can we remember our thoughts, When so many have passed us by? 
With a bow of our head, and a glance from the faint of heart, 
The light shines right on through; Continuing on its own desolate path.
How could we have forgotten the faces the brought us here, When it’s them we face, thank and idol.
How can we expect you to know what we’re thinking, When we ourselves are left clueless? 
Because when the stony walkways are covered in rain, 

With just a flicker of fear and terror. When the faces have long but vanished
The path will become slippery, As they all do eventually.
Who is strong enough to stare into the eyes of a stranger, 
And say those three words we never seen coming from ourselves? 
Let us ride our emotions for as long as we’re breathing, Because too many times have we gave into the guilt, That we question thoroughly, and decisively.
When the door closes a lifetime will begin, 

And we too will lose ourselves.
For who will save us all in times of separated shoulders and swallowed pride? 
Today three is the theme of our lives, And through three we live, lie and breathe.
Through hollow truths and shallow thoughts, 
We live to curse ourselves in consciousness; 
For it was these three faces that told us three lies, 
About three cities that we thought we knew.
Today all our guilt stands by, falls through and becomes just.
The past can never leave us, Just like the future may never be outran.
Which ever way sanctity lies, Yours have become even more impressive.
Yet again we thank you for your daring tricks, 
That carries us on but somehow reminds us, Of the one thing that’s missing, 
The one thing we always leave behind, And picture before we fade away.
It’s about time we whisper these three words that are long overdue, 
Because you will never know what we’re thinking, 
When we don't know ourselves.

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