
Monday, July 15, 2013

To the rest of our life.

The visions of the past whirl by at untold speeds; This is more then moving forward; This is leaving the past behind, Forever.
Forever the memories will feel incomplete.
Forever the passion will burn on.
Forever the past will haunt us.
The rain washes out the smiles; But the only tears are those of
What will soon be, And what has been.
The only smiles are those of one last mountain.
But isn't there always one last mountain; One more reason to fight.
The rain washes out the smiles but we’re still laughing.
Spirits may not be dampened with such a routine simplicity.
The rain washes out the smiles but isn't it great; Realizing we’re all human.
In a time too close to death finding exhaustion is impossible.
In such a time lives are built, And memories are never lost.
In such a time
Re-sculpted thoughts don’t need new inspirations.
Once upon a time we all woke up lost; Scared in the dark with no trails to follow, 
But what a trail it would have been, What a stage it could have been.
How long does it take to realize ?
That this comes around once in a lifetime ? 
No matter how long it takes it will come.
It always comes when we least expect it.
Sometimes being bored is enough to send us tears; Tears of joy, Joy in remembrance.
Who among us can’t move mountains given the chance ? 
Given the motivation.
Given the opportunity.
Three days of freedom.
Doesn't it feel like a month ? 
Through freedom isn't there always one more chance to escape? 
To find a place we have been told about since birth but have never witnessed; Never thought to be true.
When was it ? 
When was the first moment that we realized this is where we want to be.
When was it ? 
Not as long ago as it seems. 
Even months can be broken, Broken into minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds.
200 thousand more seconds of chasing; Trying to keep from drifting too far and losing one more chance; One more chance that never happened but was relived until it felt real.
Where were we when the rain started ? 
Because we sure as hell weren't here.
Where were we when the rain stopped ? 
Because it must have been the worst moment of our lives.
Perhaps we all have three faces;  Three souls; Three chances for redemption.
We all can’t talk at once 
We all have to listen at times; Listen to what we don’t want to hear but what we know is true.
Sometimes we portrait ourselves badly but we’ll wake.
The next day will always bring new fortune.
The next day will always bring new opportunity.
The next day will always bring us one day closer; Closer to where we want to be; The place we thought we left but now realize we can never truly leave.
It’s not truly the end; It’s never the end.
The moments live on through history; 
The frustration will never truly disappear; 
The hopes will never be vanquished; 
Intelligence will never be questioned.
It’s not really over
When you wake up surrounded by the past everyday for the rest of your life. 

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