
Monday, August 19, 2013

Dead as a bone .. Authority

A million messages are sent each day, to your head, arms, legs and every which way.
For you to breathe, write, dance and walk, to type on computers, eat and talk.
All muscles, the brains orders they must obey, but some don't need the brain to say okay.
The skeletal muscles for example, the bones inside, By the brains rules, they do not abide
As the brain says, 'Hey heart! I'm in control here! 
And the heart replies, ' Sorry, but I'm an involuntary muscle, dear! 
Without a brain, you can't do anything not even pick up the phone, 

but without a heart, you'd be dead as a bone
Ago, our great "Mao tse-Tung" said; Politics is a war without bloodshed, while was is politics with bloodshed... That was so long time ago, but now
Even politice is war with bloodshed.  
And finally my advice is to heart your brain to keep on balance and keep going.
And we have the rights to follow anyone of they but take the other one with us.
Without a brain, you can't do anything not even pick up the phone, but without a heart, you'd be dead as a bone

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