
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Envy is a disease

Envy is a disease of the heart, Jealousy is a disease of the mind.
They are not the same they are not one of a kind.
I can handle Jealously but run from Envy.
Jealously is negativity towards things belonging to somebody.
Envy is negativity, it’s a desire to be that somebody.
You cannot be more than what you are, believe in yourself you are great by far.
I seek refuge in God, from the Envier when he Envies.
He whispers in the hearts of men, the evil whisper of a slinking devil.
What does an Envier look like, look in the mirror and you will see.
You cannot tell one who Envies, imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
Only God can look on the heart, so judge not just stay far apart. 

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