
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tomorrow will come, will be today

Too hurt, too bewildered to be angry
Take me away from this moment
So that I can deny its' existence
Close the curtains, block out the light
Lock all the doors and windows
Retreat into just one room
As I am retreating inside
Sit, curled up on the floor
Next to the roaring fire
Though the heat doesn't reach me
I am as a lump of ice
Numbed beyond tears; mind dead to feeling
I'm surprised to find my heart still beating
If this was a play or film
I would be screaming, crying
But I cannot cry, my eyes are dry
Thoughts have the attention span of a butterfly
As I hold my hurt to me
Like a child at a woman breast
Tomorrow will come, will be today
Oh, hasten tomorrow, become yesterday
Then I can maybe start to forget
Yet for now, no wish to acknowledge this
Shut out the world, let it leave me alone
Grant me the right to be on my own
Until I can reach the height of acceptance
And learn once more to live again 

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