
Monday, September 02, 2013

The thing, Which i never think.

I think, Many things, 
But happens nothing.
And the thing, Which i never think.
Keeps on happening

Dears, this life is good but also bad; 
Sometime we are happy and sometimes sad.
Sometime we feel sore; and other-time bore.
There are many creatures; In the nature.
some are born to live a good life; and some are born to make other's life a good life.
There are animals and birds; some roar and some speak words.
Some are domestic and some are wild; whatever, they will also die or get killed.
Rich are born to live well; and the poor are born to live a life of hell.
Once a time is gone, we miss.. O.. Alas, What a life isn't this? 
Sometime we are happy and Other time we are sad; sometimes good and sometime bad.
Even sometime we are kid; And other-time dad.
In this life we can do many things, You can say anything,
So live life in the way anybody haven't lived yet, 
And do not waste this life as it is a precious gift

I think, Many things, 
But happens nothing.
And the thing, Which i never think.
Keeps on happening

But.. to be me you have to be me.

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