
Monday, October 07, 2013

Another language

My Emotions seem to be speaking a language that my heart understands
I've never known it experimentally nor ever held it in my hands In some ways it's nonexistence a vision without a plan
no way to clearly define it or to exchange, to give real command
There is ambiguous agreement sometimes it comes and goes
people agree this is the dilemma but do we really know..! 
Who can define emotion or explain something that is unsure..! 
we all can speculate and guess but no one knows for sure
Yet we see the challenge and say they are in need
Yet we don't ban together do we need consistency..! 
There is a message in the picture I see but maybe it needs more confirmation for that thing to be
More votes, more clarification 
More stats, more news
More concern..! 
Maybe it's the timing
Something we have yet to learn 

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