
Sunday, October 06, 2013


Are we humans Or is it just me ... Is it just so hard to live in peace and harmony
Where have all of our feelings gone they can’t just disappear
Something definitely put them to a halt and that “something” is my biggest fear 
Why can’t peace and beauty  Just flourish everywhere like before ..!
Why do we have to hurt everyone around us ..!
Why do we have to make people feel so sore !
Is pain so satisfying.. Or is it just an act.!
Pain is not the answer to our questions And that is not a confusing fact 
Does killing, fighting, and destroying work Or is it just a tease 
Do people do them for a purpose ,! Or is it for them to please
Pleasing themselves is all they want, Control and power is what they need
We can’t stop them once it’s too late, But all we really need is a strong lead 
Peace we shall have
Harmony and beauty we must get by just helping people adjacent to us 
What a marvelous background we can set .. We don’t know what we want 
Surly guilty is not what we want to be .. We want to live a peaceful life
And this peace and harmony shall set us free.

Once a great writer said .. 
"We can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom"
i completely agree with him.

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