
Friday, October 25, 2013


Never made her dreams shuttered
Never made her heart suffer with pain of love
Never made her walk along with pain and struggle
Never made her eyes dim with salty tears 
Never unfaithfulness made her life miserable
Never live with out her love and shadow

Because .. When you married your wife you have promised her to take care till you end
Marriage is a fulfillment of dreams, With these promised dreams ..... 

she stepped in your house as a beautiful wife
She held your hands with her dreams
She gave her heart to you with love and faith
She walked along with you when you had hard time
She gave you everything what ever she had
And surly  one day you will realize her value and her faithful love
But when you struggle with your pain and the agony that make you handicap.
On that very day you will realize that ... 

Your wife is your shadow that holds on you

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