
Tuesday, November 26, 2013


 "Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind". Buddha 
At my family home today, i got a moments with my dear father, i asked him about what is the difference between envy and emulation ..! a while passed and with along breath he said .. See'
The difference between envy and emulation is, that in the first the desire is for the cessation of a good enjoyed by another, and in the second the desire is for the possession of a similar good... and so many times every favoured man is envied. .. Beware of envy, for it shows itself in you, not in him whom you envy'
So i replied ... Father; then..
Envy is a disease which does more harm to the envious than to the envied... All enmity may be overcome except that which comes from envy... There can be no peace in the heart of an envious man.
Envy may be cured only by a sure knowledge that it is a cause of much pain to you and no evil to him whom you envy... so you must shun it if you would not be an enemy to yourself and a friend to your enemy.
He who strains his neck to look at one above him gets nothing but pain.
Envy consumes man, as rust corrodes iron.
Envy no man except him who is good. 

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