
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Being kind

A deep friendship is like a rainbow. When the right amount of tears and laughter are mixed together,then a colorful bridge joins hearts is formed and a painted smile exists in our heart that will last for a lifetime. and even if we don't know what to say to them, It doesn't. matter .. A silent hug  is worth a thousand words to they unhappy hearts.
believe me sometimes just a few simple kindly words from a good friend can put a warm feeling in our hearts... Kindness is an open communication between heart to heart and not required to be learned by searching, teaching, or even preaching... So being kind is much more important than being right, for sometimes all a person needs is not a brilliant mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listen.
From my modest view i feel that the most challenging part about unconditional relationship, friendship or even love; That at some point in time we have to realize that some people can stay in our heart but not in our daily life. So, we need to make our memories now, there may not be a later opportunity to do it. My dears anyone can catch our hands, but it takes someone special to catch our hearts.

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