
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


"I think the only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that don't change when everybody else does"
People change with time. Time is what changes people. Every year brings several changes since we have to adapt according to our surroundings and go with the flow of things. Some people change superficially in terms of their looks. You might be going for makeover or a complete transformation. You feel like changing your wardrobe, working on your over all personality and appearance. Some people undergo drastic transformations. Other kind of changes comes internally, related to our qualities. Some people become proud and arrogant once they acquire some name and fame. They start looking down upon their subordinates. they say that time and money has shown some negative influence on such people... But i say as different as we are as colors .. so much differences but when you have all the pens .. after taking the lesson .. you can complete the paint .. it's the art of living.. My dears our world full of honesty humans and if you still can't meet on of they .. be one... because cheating comes in various forms nowadays, to that of wife by a man or, to a friend to thy neighbor. In all probability, cheating has become an act of justification because those who cheat have at least one reason to justify their action. Most of us still talking about cheating to reveal that these persons do not repent for their actions but rather try to shift the blame on others. This is more prevailing in couples. But fundamentally, we see that the lack of trust is the main reason for cheating and if mutual love or respect is built on trust and respect for others, there would be no scope for cheating. Anyhow, send these words on cheating to your near and dear ones to draw lessons from them. Cheating is a part of a game that is played by two people and one who cheats is only a temporary winner.

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