
Tuesday, December 03, 2013


Once i heard that "Veracity brings peace to the heart".
 If keeping to the truth though may harm thee, i think keeping away from falsehood though it may profit thee because no man's religion can be right until his heart become right, nor can his heart become right until his tongue is right. i always imagine if...  falsehood saves from trouble truth saves much more even if people naked you with ignorant .. An ignorant man who is true is better than a clever man who is false.
A man can be almost perfect only .. when he speaks the truth and acts according to the truth. i used to tell my daughters' if falsehood saves from trouble truth saves much more.
In my humble personal opinion there are two kinds of truthfulness, and the greatest of them is that which may do thee harm. Do you know; If truth and falsehood were pictured...  they would be represented by a terrible lion and a cunning fox. And it is better to die a truthful man than to live the life of a liar. So, my dear "When thou speaks .. be truthful, and when thou acts .. be gentle" 

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