
Saturday, January 11, 2014

A long distance relationship

" I wish you were with me so I can tell you directly how much you mean to me. I'll hold you tight and hug you near my heart so that you can hear what its trying to whisper, You're the reason why I'm beating"
A long distance relationship is a relationship between two people that are in two totally different places, and usually a long distance away from each other. Long distance relationships are thought of by many as impossible to last a lifetime, and many refuse to try them because of this widely held belief. When a person is in a long distance relationship they are forced to put all of their heart and soul in a relationship that shows no immediate gratification. Besides being able to talk over the phone, write emails and the newly popular video conference calls, the communication between the couple is limited, and unless the individuals make regular trips to see each other there isn’t much physical activity between the couple. A long distance relationship requires a pair to have a lot of respect, trust, and love towards one another in order to work out for the best, and maybe even last for their lifetimes...

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