
Wednesday, February 05, 2014


Our Useful lessons learnt today may not necessarily be of use to us today, we save them for later. There always comes a time where we won't be able to eat and we'll live from what we had last night.. with this simply lesson i'd like to talk about "Night"
Night.. signifies darkness and the end of day. But at the end of night, there is light again as sun dawns again. So, in literature, night tells us there is sure to be a day and hope. Night is again compared with sorrow, theft, and evil but during night, we tend to melt down our sorrows and hope for the best, next day. Night is the blotting paper for many sorrows. Without night, we do not get a chance to appreciate the beauty of the moon and the stars. 
For poets, night is the time that triggers a lot of thoughts to be penned down. And it is better not to discuss secret at night they say as “night hath a thousand eyes”. The day is for honest man, the night is for thieves. There is no limit to the number of words written on the beauty and dark aspect of night. such as"No matter how painful your decision has been, as long as you can sleep well at night, it means you made the right choice"

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