
Monday, March 10, 2014

Mysteries about out love.

O.. There are mysteries about out love. 
People who do not love themselves can adore others, because adoration is making someone else big and ourselves small. They can desire others, because desire comes out of a sense of inner incompleteness, which demands to be filled. But they can not love others, because love is an affirmation of the living growing being in all of us. If we don't have it, we can't give it.
There are mysteries about out love. 
Things that neither one of us may ever understand because love is an emotion without limit and understanding. We may know we love each other but we could never explain completely as "WHY" we love each other. Love is not a clock. we simply cannot take it apart just to see what makes it tick, and even if we could, we probably could never get it back together again.
There are mysteries about out love. 
My dears, Love is a strong word, be careful how we use it. Don't take it for granted Once we're sure we have it, make sure we don't lose it. take every chance we get to prove it. Don't slack off because of what we may have made today... because love is like everything else ... it will definitely.. fade away.

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