
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Move on

we think we can't move on, but the truth is every-time we get out of bed we are fighting, and we're slowly moving on. The key to overcoming the pain in our life is to realize that though pain is something that is inevitably a part of life, we have the choice of whether we are going to yelling in it and suffer, or move on from it, and do our best to let it go... In fact sometimes its very hard to move on. But once we move on. we'll realize it was the best decision we chose.. I can say If we love yourself we need to prove it by doing whatever it takes to make us happy with our own life... O, you know.. Sometimes all we have to do is erase the messages, delete the numbers, collecting what still remains who we truly are and move on.. in fact, life is too short to hold grudges, revenge or even regret .. Just ... move on.

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