
Monday, August 04, 2014


Until you value yourself you won’t value your time but until you value your time you will not do anything with it.. I wonder how humans became knows the price of everything but knows the value of nothing, 
Value is the worth or cost of a thing. There are many things in life that have value but there is no comparison to the value of time. Time, if gone, cannot be earned back where as all other things like money, respect, education can be earned. The value of time has to be realized by everyone and cherished.
Other things that have great value are friendship, compassion, love and success. It is crucial to know the value of each so that we can appreciate them and work hard enough to gain them. One who does not know the value is insane, why we cannot fill our life by giving much more than accepting, learn how to live when we have nothing, we will realized to value small things in our life...

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