
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Don't wait..for the perfect moment

Waiting for things to happen is a downfall that prohibits the greatness of many people living in our population from shining bright. It is ok to believe, and it is very commendable and admirable to be a faithful person. But in doing so, one must also be willing to do everything possible that they are able to do alone in order to better their chances that the results desired would occur. In essence, waiting for a sign may be what works for you, but it may actually be working against you. 
Waiting may cause you to miss out on blessings, opportunities, and open doors that you may never see again. Remember to listen to what your gut says, and examine your heart while following it closely. Remember that life won't always happen the way in which we expect it to, and sometimes when we are being tested we won't have every desirable tool to help give us an advantage. Never let an obstacle stop you from moving forward, there is always a way to get past anything put in front of you.

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