
Friday, October 24, 2014

Hearts are often broken by words left unsaid

Every day that passes by on this Earth that we have life in, is simply a blessing. No one can predict the date and exact time that they will go to meet their maker, but we do know that death is inevitable. One of the most important things we can do in our lives is to make it a point to tell people what is on our hearts. There have been so many who regret not telling people how they really felt, or how much they cared for them before they passed.
The pain that many experience because of this regret can be very intense because you realize that all it would have took to change the regret you are feeling in the moment, is a little more initiative on your part. Refuse to live with regret, and refuse to be ruled by the fear of telling someone something that they may not reciprocate. Tell people how you feel while you still have the time to.

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