
Sunday, October 12, 2014


Words are some of the most powerful entities that a person possesses. Though many try to act as though words never really affect them, there is great power in the tongue. Words can be used to inspire, to build up nations, to write books that change the world, to create wars, to end wars, to create marvels of the human mind, to explain the feelings a person possesses, and for many other reasons as well.
If we truly think about it, even the simplest of words can change a persons life at any given time. Knowing this we must be careful about the words that we use, and we must make a valiant effort to use our words for the good of the world instead of for the decaying of it. Choose your use of words of effectively, and make a pledge to use words that will inspire and promote growth and the well being of all, instead of words that promote the decline of humans and words that create darkness and death. So dears just be careful with your words.. once they are said, they can only be forgiven but never forgotten..  

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