
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Never forgive if you're not ready to forget

We all grow old.But not to brothers and sisters like we think, we often do whatever it takes to move our careers forward and increase our incomes, yet we don'T hold the same regard for our relationships and marriages, even we're thinking more about ourselves and less about our community... we lost sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of our success will be how we treat other people, our families, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers we meet along the way. And there will come a time, when we will lose our humanity because of our greed, yet there will comes a time when the difference between friendship and love is how much we can hurt each other, we lost our humanity and forgiveness somewhere over the rainbow, Then we lost our civilization behind pretending to be who we aren't just to impress others. 
Once upon a time Albert Einstein.said "The problem is, most of the time we tend to forget our obligations and needs someone to remind us of it". It is left to our conscience how many obligations we fulfill but there are many more left.  in fact everyone has their burden,, but what counts the most is how we carry it; and with whom we share it..!!

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