
Sunday, November 09, 2014

Smart or wise

There are far too many resources for us all out there awaiting our use. If we think about it, any book that we may be thinking of writing probably has been written in some way or fashion. Any painting that we are thinking of creating has been made in some way or fashion. Any home or building that we desire to build has been built. 
What great people do is study other great people. Whether the great people are from their time, or times past, there is a lot to be learned from whatever has already been completed. 
Take time to learn as much as you can from a world full of art, and then be sure to do your best rendition of whatever it is that you do. Never sit back, and judge others for trying things that you may not be willing to try. Encourage, and immerse yourself in resources to teach yourself how to be the best at what you want to be. There is no excuse for ignorance.

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