
Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Never let a minor argument become a war. Life is much too short to let things snowball and snowball to a point of no return. One big principle that we must learn from our lives is that if we won't win every battle, and that sometimes it is not about giving up or being a coward, but that it is much better to move on, and fight another day. 
Instead of devoting your time to something that may turn chaotic for not much of any reason we should instead devote our time to things that will help build our relationships with others. 
Instead of finding time to argue with others about the small things, we should find time to praise others about the small things. Even when people anger you, and seem to not care about how you feel, treat them with love, be kind, and show them what living life is really all about. Just remember ... Do not ever turn a minor disagreement into a flat out war, sometimes you just have to let things go.

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