
Wednesday, March 04, 2015

What do you want?

Sometimes it's good to ask yourself this question and then see if your actions correspond with these same goals. For instance if you say you want straight A's how much time are you studying? If you want to be a better friend/spouse/coworker/relative how are you treating others? If you want more money, how are you managing the money you have now? Are you working toward what you want in life or are you just expecting it to happen? 
To grow and achieve your goals we must ensure we are working towards them. Try it for yourself. Set up a progress report on what you said you want and what you did for it. Make efforts to help to keep yourself accountable for your actions and how they directly correlate with your dreams, and be willing to change the things in your life that are delaying your progress from achieving the goals in life you may desire.

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