
Saturday, March 07, 2015

When one is tired of everything ...!

I always judge my age by the amount of pain i feel when i'm come in contact with a new idea... Today i was watching a conversation between a friend to i and another young friend, i found myself willing to go through they chat and say to her friend " When I was your age, television was called book, Meaningless laugh was called impolite and ... so on; in fact there may be a time in life when one is tired of everything and feels as if all one does is wrong, and there maybe some truth in it also..
do you think this is a feeling one must try to forget and to banish, or is it 'the longing for to believe that everything happens happened for God reasons,' which one must not fear, but cherish and hope for more blessing  to see if it may bring us some good..! Is it 'the longing for God' which leads us to make a choice which we never regret..? Anyway let us keep courage and try to be patient and gentle. And not mind being eccentric, and make distinction between good and evil. finally a fly words must to ink before i forget it ... my dears " Be careful who you invest your time in. Nothing is worst than wasted time. It's the one thing you can't get back"

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