
Monday, July 27, 2015

Losing trust

Watching men in life constantly lose control, cheat, lie and deceive the ones they claimed to love with all their hearts, then go out with other women.
Seriously wanting to know what kind of inhuman people they are, what were they thinking, why didn't they just stay single? 
Then women wouldn't be hurt and maimed, losing the trust they learned after being born, how cruel men are to do this to the ones they say they love.
Maturing, leaving out that one word from their vocabulary women end up being jealous and angry all the time, knowing only the lies of their husbands.
Their children are hurt by this infidelity, even though their fathers rationalize what they're doing, trying to make it acceptable in their own minds only.
Who is to blame in the end, the man who cannot stay true, or the woman who believes in love and then finds out the truth in the end.
Either way, both of them contribute to their children growing up learning not to trust or have faith in the opposite sex, and boys learn to follow their father's
examples, carrying on this disgusting legacy

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