
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Bla..bla... enemies ..!

What is our greatest enemy..!
I Wounder is it iron, Then I looked at the fire and found it can melt iron... is it fire..!
Then I looked at the water and I found it can extinguish the fire.. o.. is the water remain as our greater enemy...
Then I looked at the clouds and I found It holds water .. then maybe clouds are our greatest enimy ... after a while .. no it isn't. Maybe the air which is moving clouds to unexplored places.. no no it's the mountains but how it could be ..!
Then I looked at oneself and found ...i'm standing on the mountain of sand and I said ... we are the  reasons behind but wait ... I can't fight being asleep.. O alas, worry and sadness made me sleepless human.. 
Yap.. our greatest enemy was, is and will be our worry about tomorrow, our sadness from the past .. forgetting how to spend that very moment well.

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