
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

You .... are mortal

When you kneel, Kneel on both knees.
When you bow, Bow low from the waist
When you love, Love to death. And 

when your heart gets broken, 
Let the pain consume you to ashes and let the wind blow it away.
Re-invent yourself
Rise up on your feet
And start living again.Proudly, with your head high.
You are a human being, 
You’re not flawless
You will do onto others
And they will do onto you... Its how life is .. A chain of event, happenings and decisions. Don’t lose your identity be known for whom you are. Keep on seeking
Life is a journey, Try not to lose your humanity, If you lose it, you lose yourself.
And you die inside.
The journey stops when you pass on.
The journey never ends if you don’t’ lose your soul.
Be merciful and kind
Live and let live
Die for those who deserve living
Cry… Cry…. Cry like a child
Paint your face with mud
And scream like a mad person
Lick your wounds and let them bleed clean let the scar tissues remind you of the lost battles, Don’t feel sorry for yourself cuz you are what you made yourself.
Don’t  ever hate yourself, have the courage to live... dear anyone can die..
And when the angels comes lie down and let your soul go peacefully and let them kill you mercifully... nobody will be sad.. You are mortal 

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