
Monday, February 01, 2016

Never.. lie

Never give up on life live for as long as you can, That goes for every woman as well as every man
We only live once at life no second chance, So why not be happy and laugh, sing and dance.
Never give up on life though you are aged and gray and live for the moment and enjoy every day
Our time is too short for worry and woe. the sad sacks of the town few do wish for to know.
May your last day be your hardest as some are known to say for the weeks hurry by and time keeps ticking away
We are only mortals like the sheep or the cow.. And we only can live in the here and the now.
The great gift of life is a marvellous thing
And it's praises we ought to feel happy to sing
Your crosses may be hard to bear but why wish to die
Since none know of a hereafter and the facts never lie. 

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