
Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Love is Magic !!

When a man says his heart is Yours, It means a seed of love has been sown, For the harvest to be fruitful, and his heart has to be yours alone....
The heart's but a receptacle... Wherein our love is guarded and kept, nurtured like a living bouquet... that another heart might accept...
When a heart is offered in love... It becomes a gesture most profound, causing such a heavenly peace... that you no longer feel earthbound..
When a man says he'll keep his heart, to offer it would be fantasy, 
He doesn't know the Language of Love, 
He cannot speak it fluently
Hope and trust are given virtues, with love, they always go hand in hand but love is a spell..... it's magic! it's even beyond Magic.. Oh.. A romantic would understand
So if a man should say to you his heart he will never give away, Quicken your step, and don't look back.....
You'll know deep sorrow should you stay.. now let me love you th way I should.

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