
Monday, March 14, 2016

My everything

Sometimes I hold my breath as you tell me who hurt you,
Because I don't want to hurt you anymore with my words.
Sometimes I close my eyes as you cry,
Because I don't want to see your painful memories.
Sometimes I tune out your sobs,
Because you're putting yourself down.
I just want to hold you as you cry,
But I understand if you push me away.
I just want to be there to help you through it,
But I understand if you're going to shut me out.
I just want to be your everything,
But I understand if you don't want me here.
I want you to look at me and tell me the truth,
Are you happy?
I want you to look at me and tell me the truth,
Are you okay?
I want you to look at me and tell me the truth,
Do you trust me?
I'm sitting here thinking, wondering, waiting,
Just for you to come around.
I'm sitting here thinking, wondering, waiting,
Just for you to tell me what's wrong.
I'm sitting here thinking, wondering, waiting,
Just for you to be my everything again.
To trust me.
Hopefully you can trust me.
I promise I'm here for you.
I promise never ever give up on you.

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