
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

No title.

What the hell is it with some people these days, so self righteous and stuck in their selfish ways.
One rule to suit their everyday needs is all I see, no forgiveness or understanding just being petty.
I am told 'That's Life' get on with it stop moaning, but I put a foot wrong and they all start groaning.
Turning their backs their faults to ignorant to see, but its ok I don't mind i'm just human and just me.
I really do hurt and I never really feel with such pain, why not just do it over and over and over again.
I learnt from wise dad to let things pass by, he showed me I should always try... smile.. But never cry.
As much as I try to live by that rule easy its not, when people walk away and things go to pot.
I'm not a rubber ball that just bounces forever, i'm not a saint nor perfect that I will be never.
Just how much is one person expected to take, 

why do I end up with folks who are mostly fake..!!!
Why do people have to lie and steal all they can..ii
why are some petty out of their lives you they ban..!!
If I walked away when they needed me there, would it bother them and would they even care.
If I walked away without a word to them said, I know I would never again even enter their head.
But hey this is me for my sins that I cannot change
I .. Am human with feelings not a dog full of mange.
I've had all I can handle with crap and ignorance, I give up trying any more that is my preferance.
So to all those I've given my time and cared for, remember you walked I didn't close that door
When you're bored and no-one wants to hear, you're moans and winges you're loss I do fear.
For you threw away a human who once cared, he gave hir mind and heart because he dared.
To those who gave trust and know the real me, I thank you for being there and not being petty.
If you walk away in silence it is you're choice, to withhold relationship or to share you're voice.
So if by chance you should ever sit and recall, give me a thought to forgive you ... all. 

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