
Tuesday, March 08, 2016

The world is falling

I watch as the world falls away
I cant change it, no matter what I say
I feel as sanity slips through my fingers
No matter what I do the damage still lingers
It's the same thing over and over again
It's like a battle,1 against a million men
Theres no winning, theres no hope at all
All you can do is sit and watch the world fall
Destruction and corrosion, destroy the world
Take it all in. Breath held, Toes curled
Waiting for the world to turn to nothing
Hoping...'If only I could have done something'
Watch with sorrow filled eyes. Mother nature
Watch as they die, all of the wonderful creatures
They'll all fall...polluted water and birds with no trees.
children killed so young as mothers fall to their knees
Praying, 'Please God help us! Please show us grace! '
We don't deserve it. All this time we've spat in His face
everything we've destroyed...time cant heal this cut
trying to convince ourselves, we'll get out of this rut
The world is falling and nobody cares
The world is crying and nobody hears
Its too late now the damage is done

The battle is over and destruction has won 

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