
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

There is a time..

There is...
A time to write, 
A time to listen, 
A time to learn, 
A time to play, 

A time to read, 
A time to see, 
A time to lead, 
A time to sleep, 
A time to be happy, 
A time to be silly,

A time to be mad, 
A time to be sad. 
A time to wake, 

A time to talk,
A time to stay, 
A time to walk. 
A time to help, 
A time to hurt, 
A time to scheme, 
A time to dream, 

A time to wonder,
A time to want, 
A time to try,
A time to die,
A time to love,

A time to live,
A time to make a difference, 
A time to do something. 
There is always going to be a time, 
But will you do something when that time comes..?

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