
Monday, April 18, 2016

A thousand try.. And more.

Sometimes life is against you.. You see it turning from dark to darker 
wishing it's just a nightmare and soon you'll wake up..
Wishing it's just the night and soon there will be light..
But you realize you were wrong
It's all very true
It's neither a nightmare nor the night,
It's just things are no longer right.
In a corner you sit..
Crying blood instead of tears waiting sadly alone
In that little seat of yours thinking that that would change the world..
Unfortunately that's not true at all
The world just won't change for you
The world isn't yours.. And isn't free for youb
If you want it.. Go for it, stand up and think quick
Try to change it inorder to suit you
Try to fix it and make it yours
If you fail .. Try once more never give up, never lose hope and remember it's your goal.
Things don't change from the first shot and light was invented after a thousand try or more.

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