
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Exchanging silence..

I may not express what I feel for you
But in silence I know 'Someone' up high do, 
I may not feel your touch in my arms
But the wind's silent soft touch will do
I may not be in a place with you
Yet unknowingly our footprints will be
In the same path on a certain time and day.
I may not be able to say in words
How I admired learned things from you, 
But in prayers I do certainly know and wish
The best things in life for you.
And though our eyes may never gaze again
And words be never spoken out to hear, 
My silent, fervent prayer indeed
Will find its way to you as something else.
For I know in silence we can but think
The things we shared and love in grace
It is in silence that we can keep in peace
The peace that held us both in pain. 

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