
Friday, April 29, 2016

Forest from one river

In Gods of religion no shortage of choice
But one God for all religions that would be true and so nice
A Human World without wars for God something to celebrate.
Of the praises of God in harmony we could sing
No wars over God that would be a great thing
Less wars in the World how marvellous that would be
One God for us all a huge win for humanity.
On religious beliefs at least people would not disagree
A better World to live in a World of religious harmony
Of the my God is greater than your God we would finally be free
That would only be a great thing it does seem to me.
Of one God for all religions, I hope to live to see
But like it is said we create our own reality
Wise words from a sage that to many does apply
So many have their different Gods in their Worlds in the sky

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