
Saturday, April 16, 2016


You exclude me
You torture me
You humiliate me
You reject me
You deny me but ... still I forgive.
You cut me with your words
You bruise me with your eyes
You paralyze me with your ignorance but .. still I forgive.
The scars of my heart are deeper than your oceans, 
The tears have dried like the Egypt deserts hide its grass with no emotion but ... still .. I .. forgive.
As my inner soul is nearly damaged, it affected my outer being but .. still I forgive.
I forgive..
I forgive to recreate my damaged soul; 
I forgive to stabilize my damaged mentality; 
I forgive to harmonies your thoughts inside my head; 
I forgive to reconnect the spirituality and the physicality of my being; 
I forgive because I know that you aren't responsible for making decisions.
I forgive without punishing because it is the way to love. 
Love forgives... and 
He who was able to forgive has love and is love.
He forgave... And still He forgives.

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