
Saturday, April 09, 2016

How do I represent love !

How do I represent love ?
What is it about a woman that loves ?
Her heart or her very being, radiating with love that never separates at birth, both to a mother and to the other love she seeks in man ? 
Moreover, it is man who seeks the love he knows nothing about.
Woman merely softens her being of love to allow her heart to be still, tuned to the sound and quiver that love fills when man discovers woman for the first time.

I think a much better question than
What is love, therefore, is .. What is woman ? 

She is the best thing that happened to man.
She is the emotion that man lacks.
She is the reason love is in the world.
She is love, and after all.
Without her, man dies.
Without her, love is lost and confused.
Without her, hope fades away

So, Man give love, compassion, comfort, delicate and fragile to the woman you long for. tell her tenderly ..
I am here for you to call upon when you need a prayer and a song.
I am here to forgive your wrongs to help you feel confident and strong.
I know every thought that you have.
I can see it in your eyes.
You don't have to tell me any lies to impress me.
I like who I see in the real you, Which I trust will always be the 'you' .. you want me to see.

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