
Sunday, April 03, 2016

I seek my tears price to be paid

If i could talk, i would tell you that i cared. I would try to say how I've never felt this way and no one else could make me feel like this..
If you weren't blind you'd see, just how much you mean to me, you don't even care while you're standing there.. Now I pray you stay by me forever to support me throughout my life and give me courage to move forward.. Its hard, hard to stay away
If i could talk, I'd tell you that with silence and patience I took the breather.. This hand of mine was tired to hold the same shield every time .. 
 If i could talk, i would tell you that if this is the time to hit
Lets the hunter become the hunted because the winner will be in God’s favor
Losing game ... Losing life ...
 If i could talk, i would tell you that now .. now I seek my tears price to be paid with your cold blue blood..! 

If i could talk, i would tell you that i forgive you not because I'm fool, coward or weak, but because i do love you..

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