
Wednesday, April 06, 2016

New Start..

Disappointments, discouragement, discredit, failure and pressure
These are obstacles that we encounter through a journey of life, they cannot be escaped, like which runs through our veins, Like an illness with no cure; despair is the meaningful. 

It's never too late to start again.
Faith, forgiveness, happiness, honesty, hope, patience, trust, victory, prayers, worship and true love.
These devices fill the memory, rule the heart and guide the feet... The success is obtained subsequent to the storm of pain; they do not always guide the feet but the heart which hasn't the ability to give up when even faced with difficulty.
It's never too late to start to again.
We cannot change the direction of the wind but we can adjust the sails to always reach our destination, the journey is never the same as change sets in but It's never too late to start again.
My father once said, what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters .. compared to what lies within us... now i start to understand and ..
It's never too late to start again.

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