
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

We ink poetry to create a different world.

We go through life not always knowing the answers to every question we ask. We always try to look for the right answers in all the wrong places.
We think of love as everything. But what we don't understand is that there is a lot more to love than meets the eye. We think of love as the world to us. And when we don't have it in out lives, our whole world seems to crumble. If love is this important and that hard to find. Why keep searching for it if what you get is nothing from it.

We laugh to sometime hide the pain of whats really going on with us. We also laugh for the joy of being in a happy mood. Many people think laughing is immature at times. But what those people don't know is that you have to laugh at the little things in life in order to live life. because otherwise whats to live for in life without making the best of everything you got.

We cry sometime because we feel empty. We cry because we feel emotion besides sadness. You cry mostly to relieve stress, I cry to show you the emotion of care, We all cry because we feel one another's pain, heartache, joy, and sadness.

Poetry is expressed in many different way. I write poetry to try and send a message, some write poetry because they like to rhyme words.
Poetry isn't a hobby or a game. Its a connection you have with yourself and the world out there, The emotion behind someones poem can take you away.
Pictures are poetry without words.
Music is poetry with a melody.
Silence is poetry without love.

Thats Life though.
We go through life not always knowing the answers .. yes indeed,
We love unconditionally,
We laugh for the little things in life,
We cry for reasons we don't know why,
We write poetry to create a different world from our own.

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